My first big thing as the newest member of the Jolie-Pitt was making a name for myself. I had a ‘dad’ that was famous, and a mom that was even more famous. But I wanted people to know me, other then being the daughter of Brangelina, or someone’s girlfriend.
Interview # 1
“Well, we now go to our next feature, Angelina Jolie, and her daughter Morgan Jolie-Pitt. We’ve seen the countless pictures in magazines, of this mom and daughter together. Now, people may have been wondering if this was a joke, but I’m here today to tell you, IT ISN’T A JOKE. It’s the cold hard truth, and today to join me is none other then the duo, Angelina Jolie and Morgan Jolie-Pitt.” She said. We walked out to the stage, and both hugged Oprah. It was my first time meeting her up close and in person. I had never thought that today would have been the day. Like my mom, when she spoke to you in person, you did a double take. You always wanted to hear that voice, that it took you by surprise when you heard it.
My first big thing as the newest member of the Jolie-Pitt was making a name for myself. I had a ‘dad’ that was famous, and a mom that was even more famous. But I wanted people to know me, other then being the daughter of Brangelina, or someone’s girlfriend.
Interview # 1

“Welcome, welcome. Now, later ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be hearing stories of children reuniting with their family, but for now, we’re going to get to know the newest Jolie-Pitt, Morgan.” She said. Everyone cheered, and if felt so good, to actually be noticed. I smiled, and waited for the next question.
“We’re glad to be here.” My mom said.
“We’re glad to see you here too. We all have some questions, as I’m sure you knew that coming in. Morgan, can you tell me how you’re feeling about this all?” she asked.
“I’m very grateful. I went from a not so great situation, to the greatest situation in the world. I thought that my mom and dad didn’t want me, and I was just thrown to someone else that might have wanted me, but I was wrong. I was wanted, and it’s shown. It’s shown a lot.” I said looking to her.
“Okay, so I get my facts straight, Angie, you had Morgan when you were fifteen?” she asked.
“That is true; I actually had twins, Morgan and Aaralyn. Aaralyn chose to finish high school and go on to college, but plans on coming back and forth from San Francisco to LA when she can.” She said.
“Twins, did you know that you were a twin?” she asked.
“I’ve known for about a month. We finally were able to meet.”
“I bet a lot is going on through your mind. What did you think when you were told you were going to be a Jolie-Pitt, and you had a biological Twin sister. Fraternal or Identical?” she asked. “Identical, they look exactly alike, but Aaralyn has dark, straight hair, while Morgan has lighter, curly hair.” She replied.
“Wow, when we get back, we’ll see how she wants to fit in to the Hollywood Limelight,” she said.
“Now, as we’re back, Morgan is alone with me now, her mom had to go to a press conference for Wanted, coming out in a couple of months. But, all of us want to know, what is your plan for coming into Hollywood?” she asked.
“Well, I really want to get a name of my own, not just a Jolie-Pitt, but a name for my self. My parents agree that I can have my family name, which is important, but also a name that people recognize me as, rather then Angie’s girl or the newest Jolie-Pitt family member, or someone’s girlfriend.”
“Do you intend to do that through movies, music, what?”
“I plan on doing both. I love music, and singing, but I want to act. I plan on going to school to get my associates, since I’m done with school. I start this fall. I’ll be in Utah. But I’ll be starting on Broadway for the summer and the beginning of the year as Amber Von Tussle in Hairspray. I’m very excited; I’ll get to do a little acting, and singing.” I said.
“Who will be playing the part of Penny, Tracy, Link, Velma, you know. The essential characters.” She said.
“I’ll get to act and sing along side Zach Efron, Amanda Bynes, Nikki Blonsky, Michelle Pfeiffer and Queen Latifah,” I said.
“Ooh, Zach Efron, teen heart throb. What do you think of getting to meet him?” she asked.
“I actually have met him. Brad and I were car shopping in LA, and then we went downtown to eat, and ran into him and Vanessa,” I said.
“What did you talk about?” She asked.
“Well, it was first, it’s an honor to meet you. We took some pictures. He asked me for a picture. That shocked me the most. I was so touched.”
“Wow, he asked you for a picture, that’s amazing. What else?”
“Then we talked about how we’d see each other soon again in New York for Broadway rehearsals. He’s such a charmer.”
“Do you agree with the title? Teen heart throb?” she asked.
“Oh, definitely, oh goodness, I was more comfortable around Brad Pitt, I mean, good looking guy, he’s my dad. Most popular person, I went weak at the knees in meeting Zach.” I said.
“Who did you want to meet the most, after you found out Angelina and Brad were your parents?” she asked.
“Well, I have always wanted to meet them of course, but I’ve always wanted to meet you, Tyra Banks, Avril Lavigne, Zach Efron, and Katie Holmes.” I said. We talked for the rest of the show, and then, I went down to start rehearsing for Broadway, Hairspray.
Then came the next talk show, and more interviews. The next one was Tyra Banks, one person I’ve wanted to meet most of all. This happened a year later…I was seventeen and the possibilities were limitless. Interview #2.

“Well, today ladies and a few gentlemen, I have a treat for you. Miss Morgan Jolie-Pitt has said yes to coming on the show and talk, ask questions, and we have some fun stuff for you today, in preparation for your baby kids, no longer babies to go to college. I’m going to show you cute and cheap ways to help send your kids off to college in style. Morgan, welcome.” She said, as I was sitting next to her.
Then came the next talk show, and more interviews. The next one was Tyra Banks, one person I’ve wanted to meet most of all. This happened a year later…I was seventeen and the possibilities were limitless. Interview #2.

“Well, today ladies and a few gentlemen, I have a treat for you. Miss Morgan Jolie-Pitt has said yes to coming on the show and talk, ask questions, and we have some fun stuff for you today, in preparation for your baby kids, no longer babies to go to college. I’m going to show you cute and cheap ways to help send your kids off to college in style. Morgan, welcome.” She said, as I was sitting next to her.
“Why thank you for having me, it’s an honor.” I said. "I've looked forward to this for quite some time." I said.
“Well, today, we all have questions, but the first question, which fits well with my show today, is, why you chose to go to college. Why did you decide to put career second before acting, or singing, which I’ve heard you really want to do, and I’ve heard you’re good at.”
“Ooh, that’s a good question, you get down to the point. Um, I decided along time ago before I found out this is what would happen, that I really wanted to go to college, and that it was a very important thing. I may be famous, and the daughter of two rich and famous people, but if anything were to happen, say everyone liked me and then all of a sudden didn’t want me to be in any movies, then I’d need a fall back. I can go to college for pretty cheap in Utah, and I can still do something I really love.” I said.
“What are you planning on studying?” she asked.
“I’ll be studying vocal performances. I have a few general studies to do, and then a few elective credits, and then I can go on to a university. I finished in high school. I was a talented person that wanted to get out of my town.” I said smiling.
“Well, everyone has some questions, about this last article that was published. Sources say you’re to blame for breaking up Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens.” She said.
“Oh my, drama, drama, drama. Zac and I have been no more then good friends. We met while on Broadway. Nothing more, nothing else. I hate to say, but them breaking up, was of their accord, and not mine. We all wished that Zac and Vanessa broke up, because he was that teen sensation and heart throb. But seriously, I was good friends with Zac and Vanessa, and I didn’t want to see that come to an end.” I said.
“Wow, that’s amazing. Spoken with true feelings. Now, a question in a letter came up, how was it working with Zac on Broadway?” she asked.
“It was fun. I’ve been doing something I love, and I got to meet some really great people. Uh, Queen Latifah, Nikki Blonsky, Amanda Bynes, Michelle Pfeiffer, and of course Zac. It was one of the greatest experiences of my entire life, so far. Especially for just starting out in the entertainment business.” I said.
“Well, we have a little birdie telling me you have a voice, and that same little birdie has told me that you’ve got a surprise for us.” She said.
“Hmm, well that birdie informed you correctly. I guess I can say I have a voice, I love singing, and I’m coming out with my very first CD. I’ve had the help of some good friends. Most of the tracks on the CD are duets. I was able to do a duet with Justin Timberlake, it will be on there, and on his new CD also. We co-wrote the song. I sang a duet with Chris Brown, and then one with Rihanna, and Zac even helped out with one song I wrote.” I said.
“Well, those are four of my favorite people, let’s hear what else you’ve got.” She said. “Well, as a early Christmas present. I’ve signed the CD, and five lucky people, will get the CD. I also have a good friend, here to help sing one of the songs.” I said.
“Now, is this CD, Christmas, or something else?” she asked.
“This is a Christmas CD. Most of the songs are traditional, except for two. I tried my luck at writing the song that Zac and I sang, and then Justin and I co-wrote the song we sang.” I said.
“Alright, so today, for your entertainment pleasure, please welcome Justin Timberlake, and together, they’ll be singing, What is Christmas.” She applauded. I got up, and walked up to Justin, as he walked out, prepped with a microphone in his hand. I walked to the piano, and he walked to a chair, and grabbed a red acoustic guitar and we started to play.
After we played the song, Justin left, and we went back to talking.
“Well, that was beautiful. Next on our agenda, is college. This star is going to college, and so can you. We’ve got some awesome things put together to make your College experience the best.”
“Okay, so tell us, what you’ve put together for us to show all the world.” Tyra asked.
“Okay, this is going to be fun. I’ve put together my must-haves for college. I’ll be living in a sleep study, which is basically a private room, with internet and cable connection. You get a food card and a fridge if you want to. I would have to bring my TV and my DVD collection.”
“What is your favorite DVD out of your Collection. I should say, movie.”
“By far, White Christmas.” I said.
Interview # 3

"Welcome back, it’s been about a year, and our starlet, is finally coming out, and shining brighter. Welcome back Morgan. Now let’s get down to business. Tell me what these pictures are about.” She said showing a paparazzi picture of Zach and I holding hands. It was unclear where we were, but it was for sure me and Zach.
“Well, what do you want to know?” I asked.
“Are you and Zach going out?” she asked
Sisters Spoof from White Christmas....
The Best things happen while you're dancing...
Gee, I wish I were back in the army.
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