MORGAN: Hmmm, well, it was great actually, I loved working with them. It was always interesting. I had a good looking group of boys to work with. I’ve had so many friends ask how I got so lucky to work with such a great group of guys.
OPRAH: A group of good looking guys.
MORGAN: Yes, good looking guys. I am so lucky. I’ve had a blast with everyone so far. I’m going to be bummed when we have to say goodbye and finish this all up.
OPRAH: Alright, now to business, tell me Megan, what can you tell me about this movie. Where did you get your inspiration?
PAIGE: Well, I got my inspiration from our childhood, and then going to college together. We were best friends all through our lives, and some of our ‘adventures’ as children kind of kicked in with these ideas.
MORGAN: Hmmm, well, it was great actually, I loved working with them. It was always interesting. I had a good looking group of boys to work with. I’ve had so many friends ask how I got so lucky to work with such a great group of guys.
OPRAH: A group of good looking guys.
MORGAN: Yes, good looking guys. I am so lucky. I’ve had a blast with everyone so far. I’m going to be bummed when we have to say goodbye and finish this all up.
OPRAH: Alright, now to business, tell me Megan, what can you tell me about this movie. Where did you get your inspiration?
PAIGE: Well, I got my inspiration from our childhood, and then going to college together. We were best friends all through our lives, and some of our ‘adventures’ as children kind of kicked in with these ideas.
OPRAH: Zac, being one of the leading men, what was that like?
ZAC: We had some great girls to work with. I’m particularly happy with one scene. We’ve been working on it, and so far, Morgan has been the only girl on set. I can say for a few of the guys, but also for myself it was really fun to get to know Morgan. I think it’s any guys dream to be able to work with someone so talented.
OPRAH: What is your favorite scene?
ZAC: So far it is, I can’t think of any thing else as my favorite, that I could spill anything on. This is the only preview we want to give you; we want everything to be a secret. Because I loved everything we’ve done so far, and everything we’ll be doing.
OPRAH: Morgan, what’s your favorite part so far?
MORGAN: Uh, I think the best part that I liked so far in filming at our location, was the scene you saw. The place was gorgeous, weather was good, and I was the only girl in a group of guys.
OPRAH: Alright, now before we go, what is one thing you want to let the audience go?
MORGAN: This movie has been so much fun to shoot, so I’m positive it’ll be fun to watch. Hang in with us, and soon we’ll be done to give you the movie. It’s going to be awesome.
HOLLY: Everything is going to be great; I think that Morgan summed it up for you all.
PAIGE: You have all been a great fan support. The book has been a major success, look for it’s sequel towards the summer of next year.
MORGAN: Zac, you get to announce you know what.
ZAC: I do, sweet. We have a little contest. If you want to come to the Milano, Italy premiere of The Last battle next summer, two people are going to be a lucky winner. All you need to do is send a video of your best take on the scene that we showed you, and send it to the address on your ticket stub from Oprah’s show. You’re the only group that gets the chance. we will all be choosing the winners by May. The premieres start in late May, and Italy’s premiere is in July. We’ll fly you down, give you a nice makeover, dress or tux, and you’ll get to hang with us for an awesome night. You’ll also get to fly first class. We can’t wait to meet you either.
After that, we finally got to go back to the wonderful place called New Zealand. We got the finished product of the scene after about three more weeks of working. But that's for later, here's now.

“Okay, let’s get going, we need to work on that first part of the dance, Zac, Morgan, come on,” Paige said yelling to us.
“Ugh,” I replied. Zac laughed at me.
We started to dance, being directed and pushed around to Paige’s taste. Finally we got going.

“Hey, I have an idea, remember when I did that part where I swing her around to snap her neck, and she actually turned around and we hit heads. Should we do that? She could stagger off, and that’s when Brian put’s his ‘finish this,’ line in. Then I’d chase after her and finish that part. Then Brian could come in” Zac said.
“That’s perfect. Let’s roll the cameras, can you do that Morgan?”
“Yeah, that sounds fun. Smack heads with Zac again. It’d be an honor.” I said making fun of Zac as he looked at me. He took me in his arms, and we started at the part he was talking about.
“Okay, try it once, and we’ll see what it looks like. Morgan, let’s make it a head but where it only phases him, not you, and at the part where you stagger off, try it at a small part. You’ll run through the boys holding your neck, and they’ll be in shock at what you did, that they won’t stop you.” Peter said. I nodded, and we practiced the part to their satisfaction.
“ACTION!!!” Paige yelled. The music started to play, and Zac started to push me around, and then the part came, he swung me around, and we hit heads on purpose, forgetting to ‘act’ and hit heads. I quickly ran off.
“CUT!” Paige said, “I have an idea, sorry, we’ll go from the running so you don’t have to hit heads anymore. Wait, weren’t you supposed to not hit heads?” she asked.
“Yes, but it was just an accident.”
“It doesn’t matter. It looks good. When Morgan starts to run boys in between you, at first you won’t do anything, you’ll stand in shock, then when Brian says, ‘Enough Jeremy, finish it, don’t let her get away.’ You’ll snap back to life, and block her from leaving, and then Brian will cut in. So, let’s start from the bite. We need to change something there too.” He said, as I smiled, shook my head and all the guys laughed.
“Brian, last time we did that part, you thought of going in for a kiss, faking her out, and then biting her so she’s expecting something else. What Paige and I talked about is, Brian, you’ll go in for a kiss, kiss her, she’ll act a little surprised, and as the camera will move in on her reaction, and then you’ll bite her.” Peter said.
We worked on that part, and the techniques of falling, how he’d catch me, and everything and precise move I’d need to do, and then we started to film.
“ACTION!” he yelled.
“Derek, why don’t you show our guest around, then bring her to the throne room.” David said.
“I’m not showing her around at all,”
“Fine, take her to the throne room, now.” He demanded. “Let’s do a little meet and greet.” He said. Derek’s grip tightened on Charity’s forearm, and he push-pulled her in the direction David was walking.
“Gentlemen and Gentlemen,” David yelled in a gruff voice, “we have a visitor,” he said. The crowd cheered. Once I was revealed, the crowd died down.
"Her? She's too scrawny," one lone wolf said, making Charity look down and look at her self.
"It'll be more bones for you to chew on," David said looking at the lone wolf, and then the rest of the group. The lone wolf slowly inched towards Paige.
"Mmm, that smells nice. I can smell ripe fear! Can I have a bite chap?" he asked licking his lips intensely.
"NOT NOW," he yelled, then to calm down and continue. His evil side flaring to show his wolf state. "In good time. Thanks to our guest, we will have a feast!" he continued, getting the crowd excited.
The feast continued for some time, and one by one the werewolves began to gorge on rich food and intoxicating beverages. Seizing upon the opportunity, Charity eyed an empty hall, and began to sneak out, tiptoeing past drunk wolves and their women. Soon the halls were emptied and grew quieter as Charity snuck down a winding staircase until she finally reached the great hall, and the large door.

"Oh my goodness," Charity said to herself, looking up to the great door, seeming to never end. "How am I going to get out of here?" she asked herself. She grabbed the old fashion Brass door handle, and it didn't even budge. The Door handle was a large wolf's paw, the claws worn out, gold showing in small patches. In the palm of a teenager's hand, the paw shaped door handle seemed large, and out of proportion, and felt rough in texture. She let the door handle go, and it loudly banged against the door, echoing down the nearest halls and corridors.
"Oh crap," she replied trying to stop the door handle, which it seemed to have had a mind of it's own. Once the noise died down, she stood and waited. Nothing came, and she tried her luck at the door once more, to only succeed a small moment.
"Ay' you. What you doin' out here? You're not supposed to be here." A drunk wolf
shuffled into the light, clutching a bottle of Samuel Adams.
"Uh, I'm, I'm getting uh, fresh air," Charity said. "Yeah, Yeah, that'll work," she said to herself.
"Fresh Air my arse, you'll come with me." he replied slurring terribly. Grabbing her by the forearm, he quickly staggered into a run, pulling Charity with him. Running to the throne room took a few moments, for the wolf had to run up that same winding flight of stairs that Charity had just run down to break free. The wolf quickly ran into the Throne room, confused as he saw double of every person there. "Uh, Dav-David, I have something very important to tell ya," he said tapping the shoulder of a partier. "Oh, you're not David," he said moving to the next one. "David, I-I have something very important to tell you." he said, tapping the shoulder of another wolf, though it wasn't David. David walked coolly up to the drunk wolf.
"I'm right here," David said coarsely turning the wolf around to his view. To the drunk wolf, everything was still in double.
"Oh, Dav-David, an, an David, I have something very important to tell you." he said looking cross-eyed at David. He fumbled around until he was able to grab Charity's arm and pull her to David. Once David had a hold of her, he quickly turned his attention to the table of food and liquor closest to him.
"So, you tried to run away from me. I don't like that, one bit." he said raising his hand. "I should just kill you now."
"Um, uh, that's alright, you don't need to do that." she said backing up as David approached her, fellow wolves were watching with intense interest. "Remember your deal with Amelia. You won't get your guardian, demon, horse-thing back with me in multiple pieces. Don't you remember that?" Charity asked, scanning with her eyes, evaluating the faces of her surroundings. Her eyes settled on one face in particular. The face belonged to a blond man dressed from head to to in black, and he seemed more familiar then ever. Like from a dream with in a dream.
"Of course I do," David snarled at her, dragging her mind back into the dangerous predicament at hand. He inched closer and as she tried to back away from him, but he got closer and closer to her. He then suddenly lunged forward. Grabbing her squarely in the shoulders, with both of his large, rough hands, he could feel her tense up in fear underneath his grasp. Digging his fingers in her soft skin, made her comply, and he eyed is aim, and bared his teeth
flawlessly into her neck, right near her throat. Precisely and quickly as he had bitten her, he let go of his target, only to quickly turn and catch her by the wrist. Falling in and out of consciousness, was her only vice. He swung her around in her arms. She glanced quickly at him, and then drifted to a slumber. He proceeded to carry her to his room. He thought to himself that she didn't know who was but little did he know...
Moments and minutes, and then hours passed, as the nervous company of guests at David's palace passed time as they waited for the next thing to happen.
"Your Majesty," a voice said in the back of David's head.
"What?" David asked curtly, shortly, and aggressively.
"The Girl."
"What about her? She's sleeping it off in my bed as we speak."
"We should check on her. I'll check on her. We should make sure no one has snuck off and done anything to her," he said directly to David. "You know, so you can get your, I mean our demon back."
"Oh, right" he said slurring. "Go check on her, guard my room until further notice." David said drunkenly waving the 'wolf' off.
As soon as Avery, the 'wolf' was out of harms way, he left in a blinding light, to appear in David's room. Charity was lying down, peacefully sleeping. Avery inched closer to the bed, and every step he took, her felt more and more sympathetic for Charity and her situation. As a noise sounded in the hall way, Charity stirred, and then slowly woke up.
"Ugh, what am I, where am I?" she asked, groggily looking up to Avery. She was in a small black bikini top, and shorts, her neck still bleeding from her lethal bite.
"David's room, sleeping." Avery said. As Avery said David's room, she gave a look of fear and disgust, but as he said sleeping, she shot up out of the bed, quickly running to the middle of the large room.
"Are you serious? Ugh, oh my god, what did he do to me?" Charity asked, looking at her self in the reflection of a large shattered glass mirror. She could see the bikini and shorts. "I didn't have those on."
"Her? She's too scrawny," one lone wolf said, making Charity look down and look at her self.
"It'll be more bones for you to chew on," David said looking at the lone wolf, and then the rest of the group. The lone wolf slowly inched towards Paige.
"Mmm, that smells nice. I can smell ripe fear! Can I have a bite chap?" he asked licking his lips intensely.
"NOT NOW," he yelled, then to calm down and continue. His evil side flaring to show his wolf state. "In good time. Thanks to our guest, we will have a feast!" he continued, getting the crowd excited.
The feast continued for some time, and one by one the werewolves began to gorge on rich food and intoxicating beverages. Seizing upon the opportunity, Charity eyed an empty hall, and began to sneak out, tiptoeing past drunk wolves and their women. Soon the halls were emptied and grew quieter as Charity snuck down a winding staircase until she finally reached the great hall, and the large door.

"Oh my goodness," Charity said to herself, looking up to the great door, seeming to never end. "How am I going to get out of here?" she asked herself. She grabbed the old fashion Brass door handle, and it didn't even budge. The Door handle was a large wolf's paw, the claws worn out, gold showing in small patches. In the palm of a teenager's hand, the paw shaped door handle seemed large, and out of proportion, and felt rough in texture. She let the door handle go, and it loudly banged against the door, echoing down the nearest halls and corridors.
"Oh crap," she replied trying to stop the door handle, which it seemed to have had a mind of it's own. Once the noise died down, she stood and waited. Nothing came, and she tried her luck at the door once more, to only succeed a small moment.
"Ay' you. What you doin' out here? You're not supposed to be here." A drunk wolf

"Uh, I'm, I'm getting uh, fresh air," Charity said. "Yeah, Yeah, that'll work," she said to herself.
"Fresh Air my arse, you'll come with me." he replied slurring terribly. Grabbing her by the forearm, he quickly staggered into a run, pulling Charity with him. Running to the throne room took a few moments, for the wolf had to run up that same winding flight of stairs that Charity had just run down to break free. The wolf quickly ran into the Throne room, confused as he saw double of every person there. "Uh, Dav-David, I have something very important to tell ya," he said tapping the shoulder of a partier. "Oh, you're not David," he said moving to the next one. "David, I-I have something very important to tell you." he said, tapping the shoulder of another wolf, though it wasn't David. David walked coolly up to the drunk wolf.
"I'm right here," David said coarsely turning the wolf around to his view. To the drunk wolf, everything was still in double.

"Oh, Dav-David, an, an David, I have something very important to tell you." he said looking cross-eyed at David. He fumbled around until he was able to grab Charity's arm and pull her to David. Once David had a hold of her, he quickly turned his attention to the table of food and liquor closest to him.
"So, you tried to run away from me. I don't like that, one bit." he said raising his hand. "I should just kill you now."
"Um, uh, that's alright, you don't need to do that." she said backing up as David approached her, fellow wolves were watching with intense interest. "Remember your deal with Amelia. You won't get your guardian, demon, horse-thing back with me in multiple pieces. Don't you remember that?" Charity asked, scanning with her eyes, evaluating the faces of her surroundings. Her eyes settled on one face in particular. The face belonged to a blond man dressed from head to to in black, and he seemed more familiar then ever. Like from a dream with in a dream.
"Of course I do," David snarled at her, dragging her mind back into the dangerous predicament at hand. He inched closer and as she tried to back away from him, but he got closer and closer to her. He then suddenly lunged forward. Grabbing her squarely in the shoulders, with both of his large, rough hands, he could feel her tense up in fear underneath his grasp. Digging his fingers in her soft skin, made her comply, and he eyed is aim, and bared his teeth

Moments and minutes, and then hours passed, as the nervous company of guests at David's palace passed time as they waited for the next thing to happen.
"Your Majesty," a voice said in the back of David's head.
"What?" David asked curtly, shortly, and aggressively.
"The Girl."
"What about her? She's sleeping it off in my bed as we speak."
"We should check on her. I'll check on her. We should make sure no one has snuck off and done anything to her," he said directly to David. "You know, so you can get your, I mean our demon back."
"Oh, right" he said slurring. "Go check on her, guard my room until further notice." David said drunkenly waving the 'wolf' off.
As soon as Avery, the 'wolf' was out of harms way, he left in a blinding light, to appear in David's room. Charity was lying down, peacefully sleeping. Avery inched closer to the bed, and every step he took, her felt more and more sympathetic for Charity and her situation. As a noise sounded in the hall way, Charity stirred, and then slowly woke up.
"Ugh, what am I, where am I?" she asked, groggily looking up to Avery. She was in a small black bikini top, and shorts, her neck still bleeding from her lethal bite.
"David's room, sleeping." Avery said. As Avery said David's room, she gave a look of fear and disgust, but as he said sleeping, she shot up out of the bed, quickly running to the middle of the large room.
"Are you serious? Ugh, oh my god, what did he do to me?" Charity asked, looking at her self in the reflection of a large shattered glass mirror. She could see the bikini and shorts. "I didn't have those on."
"You've transformed."
"Transformed? To what?" she asked, looking to the only other person in the room with her.
"Your wolf state. If you still remember, David bit you, that's why your neck is still bleeding," he said. She stopped before starting to say something, felt her neck, and then looked at her bloody hand.
"We need to heal you before it heals yourself, turning you to a full wolf." he said.
"And, how do you do that?" Charity asked, a little abrasive.
"I can heal you, you'll be come only half a wolf, like Amelia, me, Derek." he replied.
"When bitten, if you allow the wound to heal itself, you'll be a full wolf, receive all the traits, but if you heal it with a healer's powers, before that allotted time, then you only become half the wolf, because the good magic counteracts the evil." he said.
Charity gave a blank stare. "You don't follow, do you?" he asked.
"Oh, I do, I don't see how being bitten is evil."
"Oh, it is when the biter practices dark magic, then it's evil. We need to get you out of here and back to Amelia. The twenty four hours is coming to a close." he said.
"And how are we going to do that? That door seems to be the only way out, and it's heavier then me, you and David combined." she said, seeming to be a little agitated.
"I can send you with my power, but you need to be seen there, so they don't come after me." he said."Transformed? To what?" she asked, looking to the only other person in the room with her.
"Your wolf state. If you still remember, David bit you, that's why your neck is still bleeding," he said. She stopped before starting to say something, felt her neck, and then looked at her bloody hand.
"We need to heal you before it heals yourself, turning you to a full wolf." he said.
"And, how do you do that?" Charity asked, a little abrasive.
"I can heal you, you'll be come only half a wolf, like Amelia, me, Derek." he replied.
"When bitten, if you allow the wound to heal itself, you'll be a full wolf, receive all the traits, but if you heal it with a healer's powers, before that allotted time, then you only become half the wolf, because the good magic counteracts the evil." he said.
Charity gave a blank stare. "You don't follow, do you?" he asked.
"Oh, I do, I don't see how being bitten is evil."
"Oh, it is when the biter practices dark magic, then it's evil. We need to get you out of here and back to Amelia. The twenty four hours is coming to a close." he said.
"And how are we going to do that? That door seems to be the only way out, and it's heavier then me, you and David combined." she said, seeming to be a little agitated.
"Why is it turning around to be about you?" she asked.
"Because if they kill me, your healer will be dead and you'll have to heal the slow and painful way." he said grabbing her by the forearm, and pushing her to the door of David's room.
"Ow, okay, okay, I get it. I'm going," she said, as he pushed her down the stairs, then into the throne room. Music had been playing and suddenly stopped. Chatter died down, and faces and eyes turned to stare at Charity.
"Ay' boss, look who's here, the pretty little snack."
"Ah, so glad you could join us, Charity. Please, why don't you join someone in dance. Ah, Jeremy, get out, show us your moves." he said, looking to the werewolf nearest to him. She didn't budge as the werewolf Jeremy moved to the center of the ring. "Oh,

Jeremy slowly walked towards Charity, looking back ever so often to David, who nodded in command to make Jeremy do as he was told. He slowly inched closer, as if he were scared of Charity's presence. Slowly, Jeremy grabbed a hold of her wrist and walked her to the middle of the room. The band started to play, playing the twist of an orchestra and mariachi band. Pulling her closely to his body, they started to twist and turn, in a complicated sequence of moves, leaving her dazed and confused. He was in control, and no matter how hard she tried, he still had a hold of her. Panic stricken, she complied to his movements and gestures as he sharply pushed and pulled her to the rhythm of the dance. Something in his eyes, though caught to Charity's attention. He seemed sad and lonely, wanting desperately to tell someone of his pain. She thought she understood, but then couldn't or didn't want to understand because of her predicament. But then again, she still had sympathy for him for he seemed to be a tortured, tangled soul. Wanting to be free and good, but stuck in a world where he was bound and tied by deceit and lies.

David didn't like the speed things were going, and neither did Derek, for he got up quickly and took over for Jeremy, pushing him into the dirt. A fellow wolf helped him up, but Jeremy angrily shoved him off. With out any warning, Derek came on to Charity, but she was more prepared. It was a game of chicken almost, to see who could push the other in the water, or actually, gain control. Eventually Charity started to gain control of her captor, all along the way, he didn't really care what she was doing. He only wanted to hold her, and he was able to get that chance. The dance went on, longer and longer. Every sudden move was more and more suspenseful, for the crowd's reaction was the trigger to what David would do next.
Derek started to feel up and down her back, inching closer and closer to her bottom, and making Charity feel more and more uncomfortable in her surroundings. She quickly stomped on his foot, making him stop abruptly after he had touched her for too long.

"What's the problem?"
"Nothing, I can handle it David." Derek replied.
"Sure you can," he said getting up from his chair. "Step aside little brother, this is how you dance." he retorted. He walked up to Charity and pulled her hard and quick, close to her body. "I'm going to show you haow do to dance little one."
"Little One?" she asked, skating past agitated and right on to furious.
"Yeah, little one," he sneered. He pulled her close, but she resisted. He gave her a look of surprise, and snarled. "I wouldn't do that if I were you?" She rolled her eyes, and let herself be pushed into the direction David was heading. The dance continued, and the guests watched in entertainment as talent flaired in all directions. Soon David started to get tired, and turned Charity back over to the Jeremy Character. The music started to intensify, and Charity knew that if she had the chance to soon get away, it would be now. She scanned the area for Avery, and saw

"This dance is getting boring, liven it up a bit," he roared, following the yells and agreements of some of the wolves.
Jeremy, following orders, pulled Charity close. They started to dance, as the music's pace quickened, making it feel climactic and ironic. Turning her around, pulling her and pushing her, the dance got going. He whispered in her ear, speaking for the first time.
"Help me, please." he said quietly and quickly.
"Huh?" Charity asked, confused, but awestruck at the sound of his voice.
"I need to get out of here, help me." he said again, a little louder.
"Get going, I need the appeal," David demanded.
As the pace slowed and quickened once more, she whispered into his ear. "I'll do what I can." she said.
He took Charity in a dip. The one where you might possibly get a really bad neck ache, for you could possibly pop your neck. That happened, but as she swung up, they met crashing hard, head to head. Jeremy backed off, staggering at the surprise of the pain that was rushing through his head. Once Jeremy had let go, holding her neck, Charity staggered off, weaving through the crowd. The crowd looked at Jeremy in disbelief, amazed at what they saw just take place.
"Don't you dare let her get out," David yelled. The group came back to life, and made a barrier towards the entrance to the Throne room. Her chance had come and gone. She looked to Avery as she backed up to the middle of the dance floor where Jeremy was waiting. He nodded to her, and in the back of Charity's mind, she could hear his voice loud and clear.
' When the time is right, I'll send you outside the palace. From there you're alone. I'll need to get out. '
She looked to him, and a tear welled up in her eyes, and she let herself be pulled back into Jeremy's strong.
As the dancing reached the utmost climactic and ironic parts, he spoke again in the back of her head.
"Please help me. I need to be free of this hell."
"I will do my best, and if we don't leave together, I promise you, I'll come back for you. You have my word." she said. As she turned, the voice came back to her head.
"It's time." Charity nodded, quickly turned him and they tumbled on to the ground, her ontop of him. She went to grab his shirt with both hands, and disappeared. Avery followed. Once she re-appeared outside, all she was grabbing was dirt.

That was the conclusion of that segment of our film. Then life just kept falling into place.
This ends the story of my Fairytale. The next story will be segments from the book I'm trying to write:
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